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What Can YOU Do?

This is the first day of Promotional Products Work Week!

10/5/2020 | The Monday Minute

Text Version:

Hey this is Kirby Hasseman for the Monday Minute.

Today is the first day of Promotional Products Work Week. This is a week, created by the national organizations PPAI, designed to bring people in our industry together to help educate the public about the power of Promo. What does this mean for you?

Well obviously if you are in the Promo industry, it's a big deal. But if you are not...you might be thinking so what? Bear with me.

The thing is, when we have great organizations like PPAI working to help elevate the industry, it can be easy for many of us to sit on the sideline and wait for someone else to make change happen. It's how we create a "they" culture. You know what I mean. We hear it all of the time. "they should do something about that."

But can I do? We need to ask...what can we do? For my part, in order to promote Promotional Products Work Week I am making my book about using Promo "Delivering Marketing Joy" FREE on kindle for the whole week. If you are interested, head to Amazon to get your copy. Why? Because I want to help...and this is something I can do.

Regardless of industry, the truth is the same. Too many of us are waiting for the mysterious THEY to fix things. But each of us has more power to affect change than we believe. Look to see what you can do to help.

Thanks so much for watching...the Monday Minute.

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