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Words have power.

Choose kind ones.

9/28/2020 | The Monday Minute

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Hey everyone this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

Recently I got a lovely email about the Monday Minute from a friend in the Promo Industry Josette Bosse.  She called the videos her version of “Monday Church!”  I love the idea that this might create some inspiration at the beginning of the week, and to be honest, as a content creator, I am addicted to those positive comments.  They provide me joy…and fuel to keep going.  Her kind words had power.

I was reminded of those comments from Josette that lifted me up recently when I came across a post reminding me that September is Suicide Prevention month.  Way too many of us have had our lives impacted by someone who has taken their own life.  My best friend did 3 years ago and I still struggle to discuss it.  

I applaud everyone that is posting on social media to raise awareness…and I love it when you let people know that they are there to listen…but I would like to encourage us to do more.  Let’s make a list of 5 or 10 people and reach out to them.  You know who they are.  They are the ones that come to mind right now.  During this crazy year, we know many people are struggling.  Let’s take that list and put our kind words to work.  Text your friends, call your relatives, send emails to customers just to let them know how much they mean to you.  

Awareness is important.  Listening is powerful.  But let’s reach out and put our kindness into proactive mode to make a real difference.  You never know how much it might mean to someone…right now.

That’s my Monday morning sermon.  Peace be with you…now let’s go do some good.

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