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The Monday Minute: Sales is like Training a puppy

It takes a while to become an overnight success!

9/21/2020 | The Monday Minute

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Hey this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute. 

A while ago, my oldest daughter got a puppy.  This would be fun and cute except for one important fact.  My oldest daughter lives with me.  That means this cute little puppy became a true “routine destroyer” in my house.  Despite the fact that Fin is super cute, he has gone through the normal phase of trying to figure out potty training, biting, chewing, barking at random shadows and more.  It’s normal.  But it throws everything off.   I swear, there is a point to this. 

One weekend, my family and I were together on a holiday shopping trip.  We were enjoying a nice meal together and discussing Finn.  I started to point out that we were still working on the potty training thing, and then I stopped. “Wait,” I said.  “Actually, it’s been a while since I have had to clean up an accident.  He has been doing better on that.” Then we all looked around the table and realized it had actually been about two weeks since any accidents had taken place.   

Wow.  How had we not noticed?  We had not noticed because it happened incrementally…over time.  He went from being totally unpredictable, to a bit better to even better yet.  We didn’t flip a switch.  We got a tiny bit better every day.  Then one day…boom!   Overnight success. That’s how it works with building a business (or creating content, or whatever).  You start by just making a mess of things.  Then you continue to work at it.  You get a tiny bit better over a long period of time.  And just like the puppy, there will be times when it does not feel like you are making any progress at all.  You will question why the hell you are doing any of this. 

Then one day, you look up from the grind, and you realized you have made a TON of progress.  You will look back at the grind (that felt like it took forever) and realized it happened pretty quickly.   And hopefully, when you are on the other side, you won’t have to replace the carpet. 

Here's to a joyful Monday.  We will see you next time on the Monday Minute.

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