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The Monday Minute: Be Willing To Put On The Cape

Everyone can be a superhero if we are willing to put on the cape.

9/14/2020 | The Monday Minute

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Hey…this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

Kindness is a super power.

Don’t get me wrong.  I love all of the Super Hero movies.  I love the idea that “someone” with infinite power can save me (and the rest of humanity) if things go terribly wrong.  It’s fun.  It’s entertaining.   The problem with these movies is they help create the idea that we need someone else to be “the hero” of the story.

We don’t.

We have the ability to be a hero each day.  We just have to choose to put on the cape.  And here’s the thing.  It’s not hard.  Unlike in the movies, we don’t need to lift cars, dodge bullets, fly or bend the universe with our minds.  Making a difference in your every day life is really easy.  You just have to be intentional.   Here are just a few simple ways to be a super hero.

Give Credit:  People are doing interesting and important work every day…in every community.  Make sure they get credit for the work.  More importantly, give credit for the effort.  It’s the effort (not always the results) that they can duplicate.

Give Compliments:  Be on the lookout to give compliments.  Do you like the color of their shirt?  Tell them.  Did they get a new hairstyle?  Tell them it looks nice.  Maybe you appreciate their sense of humor at the office.  Don’t keep it a secret.  One of my rules of life is, if I catch myself saying something nice about someone “behind their back,” I let them know.

Give Thanks:  It’s simple.  But it’s amazing how often it doesn’t happen.  Make sure you give thanks to your customers.  Make sure you appreciate your family and your team.  Give thanks to the people that help make your life

better…they might just continue it!   🙂

Smile:  If you want people to think you are a nice person, smiling at them is the easiest way to make it happen.  It costs nothing, but it makes everyone feel acknowledged and appreciated it.   And the thing is, most people don’t take the time.  So you stand out as well.

Remember:  Everyone has the ability to be a Super Hero.  You just have to be willing to put on the cape.

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