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Monday Minute:

Redefining Success

3/15/2021 | The Monday Minute

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Hey this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

Here is a statistic for you.  How much do you think the top 1% of earners in the United States make?  If you said a million dollars, you would not be alone.  The answer is actually $400,000.  While that is still a lot of money, the pictures on Instagram seem to tell us that if we can’t make a million it’s just not worth doing.  It’s silly.  Not just because it’s inaccurate…but also because it’s creating an impossible wall to climb.

We really need to start redefining success.

For years, the definition of success has been completely tied to money and material things.  And while I am not against money (I am actually quite in favor of it), it is not the only way to measure success.  And it’s NOT the way to measure happiness.  We all know people who have plenty of money but seem miserable all of the time. 

Some people spend most of their life at a job they hate, to buy things we don’t need, with money they don’t have to impress people they don’t like.  It’s just insanity.

It’s time to break that cycle.  But you can only do it if you really take the time to define success for yourself.  It’s a deeply personal question…and one that most people are unwilling to explore.  Don’t be lazy.  It’s too important.  Spend the time to look at what you really want from your life.  Most of us will not be able to just flip a switch and make it happen.  But we can start making choices today that help to move us in that direction.

I wish you a week full of success…as you define it.  Thanks for watching the Monday minute.

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