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Monday Minute

Do Your Words Match Your Action?

3/8/2021 | The Monday Minute

Text Version:

Hello this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

Nearly all of us have this friend.  It’s a person with amazing talent and skill, but not a lot of results to show for it.  When you get together they talk about their big ideas or their next plan.  But inevitably, nothing comes of it.  By the next time you see them, they have a new idea that they seem just as excited about.  After a while, you stop expecting anything.  Despite their excitement, talent and skill, you know they won’t make it happen.

Why?  It’s simple.  Their words don’t match their actions.

Oh sure…they have big plans.  They can tell you all of the things that will happen if they can make this work.  They can paint a picture!  But when the rubber meets the road, it stalls.  When they need to do the work that happens early in the morning or late at night…they are nowhere to be found.  All talk…no real action.

And by the way, it’s really easy to see this in others…but hard to recognize for ourselves.  When it’s someone else, we see excuses.  When it’s us…we see reasons. 

So as you begin today, it might be time to take those goals out and look at them.  How are you doing?  Are you on track?  If not, it’s time to ask yourself…are you really putting in the work to achieve them?  Or have you become like that friend of yours…your words don’t match your actions.

Here’s to a great week.  Thanks so much for watching the Monday Minute!

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