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Monday Minute: Keep Your Head on a Swivel

It started meaning one thing to him...and now it means something else.

2/22/2021 | The Monday Minute

Hey there this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute! 

When I was on the high school football team, I remember a

coach yelling "Keep your head on a Swivel!" The idea was to

be aware of your surroundings at all times, so you didn't get

clobbered. If you were looking too closely at a running back,

you might not see the pulling guard coming to drill you.

You never wanted to hear, "Hasseman, you need to keep your

head on a swivel!" It probably meant you were on your back.

I hear that voice in my head now, but in a different way.

Whenever I go to a public place, I "keep my head on a swivel."

But now it's not because I am concerned with a pulling guard.

As an adult, it's because I want to be aware of others

around me.

I want to make sure I am not stepping in front of another


I try to look and make sure I am not bumping someone else

out of the way.

Mainly, I am trying to "keep my head on a swivel" so that I

am not making MY priority the only important task in the


We all get busy, but I think the world might be a bit of a

better place if we all kept "our head on a swivel" to look out

for the needs of others, not just our own.

Thanks so much for watching The Monday Minute.

Next up from The Monday Minute...

Monday Minute: Words to Stop Using

Two words that we need to stop using if we want to be more productive...and more happy!

Monday Minute: Just A Season

If you are going through a great time or a tough time, it's important to remember one thing...

Monday Minute: Be Selfish

Sometimes you NEED to be selfish.
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