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Monday Minute: Next Right Step

When you are planning your big project, you don't need to plan every step.

3/1/2021 | The Monday Minute

Text Version:

Hello this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

When you are beginning a new project, you need to learn

A lot. There is likely new terminology, procedures, new

relationships, and more. You will also need to plan. What are

the next steps? What might they look like? How many steps

will there be? Are there books I should read or videos I should

watch? It can be overwhelming.

The problem with many projects in life is they get "stuck" in

the learning phase. We don't know what we don't know. As

we learn more about the project we can become paralyzed

with the fear that we don't know enough.

At some point you need to take action.

In my experience, most endeavors don't fail because the

participants don't know enough. They fail because those

involved don't take enough action. Most of your goals will

take more activity than you anticipate...so the sooner you

start the better. The fact is, if you take the wrong action, you

will learn quickly. Then, with that new knowledge, you can

take new action to move the project in the right direction.

That's right. You will actually learn more in many cases by

taking action.

So if you are stuck on a new project because you feel you are

not ready, get over yourself.  Don’t worry about planning out every step.  Take the next right step. Then navigate the next step from


Thanks so much for watching the Monday Minute!

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