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Your Personal Thermostat

According to Ed Mylett, we all have a personal thermostat that will determine our success.

8/9/2021 | The Monday Minute

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Hey everyone…this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

Ed Mylett is an incredibly successful businessman and social media influencer.  He is a speaker, an author and hosts a great show called Maxout.  While he has said plenty of things that have influenced me, none have been as powerful to me as his concept of the personal thermostat.  He says that you will never achieve more in your life than what you believe you deserve.  You have a personal thermostat if you will. 

If you think you are a 75 degree person, and life gets hard (and your temperature goes down), you will fight to get your temperature back up.  That’s the thermostat working.  But it works the other way too.  If you get a streak of good luck and your temperature goes up…you will get uncomfortable if you don’t think you deserve it.  Your thermostat will bring you back down.  Mylett says there are two ways to increase that temperature on your personal thermostat.

The first is a huge burst of effort.  If you increase your output in a burst, you prove to yourself that you deserve those results.  You have put in the work. You can do it again.

The second is by changing those you surround yourself with.  If you hang with 95 degree performers, you will need to up your game or they will not want to hang with you.  You will be forced to increase your expectations and your actions.  As Nick Saban says ““Mediocre people hate high achievers, and high achievers hate mediocre people.”

So this week I want to encourage you to take the actions to increase your internal thermostat.  Do more.  Then you can believe you deserve more.

Thanks so much for watching the Monday Minute.

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