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Simple Not Easy

Simple is not the same as Easy. Here is why that matters to you!

7/19/2021 | The Monday Minute

Text Version:

Hey everyone this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

I was looking into the eyes of a frustrated young lady.  She was in a situation where someone she used to be close to was disparaging her on social media.  She was angry.  She was emotional.  And she looked at me and said "I want some advice.  What do you think I should do?" It's a tough spot. 

But I said, "What I am about to say is simple...but it's not easy."   I told her that she needed to ignore it.  She needed to rise above it.  She should not respond in kind.  It was simple from my perspective because I was not emotionally attached to it.   That’s why it’s important to understand that simple is not the same as easy. 

The same is true for nearly everything we want to accomplish in life.  We "know" what to do.  You want to lose 10 pounds?  You need to eat better and work out more.  Simple.   You want to increase your sales?  You need to reach out and talk to more potential customers.  You need to ask them to buy from you.  Simple. Oh, you want to have a better relationship with your significant other?  You need to listen more, give more, love them more.  Simple. 

That's why it's really easy to look at other people's lives and diagnose what "they" need to do.  When we look at other people's situations, we have no emotional attachment to the issues.  So we can look objectively and easily prescribe a solution.   What does this mean for you?  It means we all struggle with the same challenge.  Most of the time, we know what to do.  We just need to do it.  So grant yourself some grace if you have not done it in the past.  You can only do something about today. The solution is likely simple...it's just not easy.  Today, I want to encourage you to DO the simple thing that will move you toward your goals.   

Thanks so much for watching…the Monday Minute.

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