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Be Selfish

Kirby Hasseman explains why sometimes it's okay...make that important...to be selfish.

7/26/2021 | The Monday Minute

Text Version:

Hey this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

"You are selfish."  When you hear those words, how does it make you feel?  Does it fill you with pride?  Or do you turn your head or step back in disbelief?  Most people, like me, get a negative feeling in their stomach if they have been labeled as "selfish." It's just not how most of us want to be known. But here’s the thing…sometimes being selfish is important.  Never forget the flight attendant's speech that reminds us to secure our own oxygen mask before we help those around us.  When we are creating our life on purpose, we need to spend some time being selfish, if we want to get it right.  Here's what I mean: 

1.  Your Purpose:  I am amazed when I look at the world and see how many people have life just "happen to them."  They travel through the world with no intentionality.  What type of life do you want?  What do you want to be when you grow up?  What do you want to achieve?  The fact is, only you can answer those questions for you.  You can't find it from your parents or friends or (God forbid) your phone or social media.  You have to take some "me time" and decide what you want your life to look like.  

2.  Your Priorities:  Once you have decided what you want, now you need to be "selfish" with your time (if you want to make it happen).  You will need to prioritize one thing over another.  I never thought wanting to run a marathon was selfish, but long days of training take time.  That time comes at the expense of other things and other people.  The same is true if you are growing sales, starting a business, or launching a new career.  This time of "selfish" is totally fine, as long as you have decided this on purpose. 

3.  Your Journey:  It's your life...not anyone else's.  As you make these choices and priorities, you might have to lose a few people in your life…or at least you might frustrate them.  But if you have created the life you want, that will be okay.  Hopefully they are doing the same. 

Maybe you are uncomfortable with this "selfish" talk.  But keep in mind that if you are the best (and most happy) version of yourself, you are much more able to be selfless when the time comes.

Thanks so much for watching the Monday Minute!

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