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Monday Minute

Time To Track Your Goals

4/5/2021 | The Monday Minute

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Hey, this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

It's hard to believe it's already April...but here we are. How are you doing on your goals for this year? Wait...don't want to talk about it? Bear with me for a minute anyway.

Assuming you started this year with some goals, now is a great time to sit down and track your progress. As a side note, if you did not, now is still a good time start...and write them down...but back to my point.

When we begin the goal-setting process, our mindset is open. We are full of possibilities. But as we get into the whirlwind and the grind, it's easy to get off track. There are so many things in our way. So when a few weeks or months go by, we can get frustrated with our progress toward our goals.

I totally get it. But you need to give yourself some grace. No one is perfect. And perfect is not the goal...progress is.

By taking the time to do an honest assessment of your progress toward your goals, you do a few things. First, you might be doing better than you think. If so...great! Keep it up! If that's not the case, by reconnecting to your goals (and your original intent) you can use this to get back on track. You might not love what you find...but it's better than finding out next January! You will have lost a LOT of time then!

So take the time this week to reconnect with your goals...and track your progress. Remember...You don't need to be perfect. Progress is the goal.

Thanks so much for watching the Monday Minute!

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