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Monday Minute: Try New Things

It's time to spice things up and try new things.

1/4/2021 | The Monday Minute

Text Version:

Hey everyone this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

There is nothing in the world that I find more relaxing and fun than a vacation with my family. When done right, it's a chance to reconnect, laugh, and truly focus on one another. It's priceless time. In addition, it's often a chance to really try new things.

I don't know what it is about vacation, but it creates a sense of adventure that you sometimes don't have in your everyday routine. People try new foods, activities, meet people and experience cultures that they can't or won't at home. I think there is a metaphor for life in that. There is more than one reason that vacations are fun. One of them is that we are learning, experiencing and trying new things.

Now don't get me wrong, you won't always like the new thing, but then you know!

When you try a new food that ultimately gets spit into the napkin, you know the next time, and it's a really funny story for your family to tell later! :) Sometimes you will discover something you don't only like...but really love! By opening yourself up to a life of "new experiences," every day can be an adventure.

When you are faced today with a choice between the way you "have always done something" and a new one...try the new one.

You can start small. Drive a new way to work tomorrow. Try a new drink in the morning. At a break, simply take a walk: then maybe it will translate to bigger things in life.

Be "vacation you." Try new things. You will almost always be glad you did.

Thanks so much for watching…the Monday Minute!

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