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This is a great time to be introspective

12/28/2020 | The Monday Minute

Hey this is Kirby Hasseman for the Monday Minute! 

This is a great time of year to think about your goals for next year!  It’s a great time to be introspective.  How did this past year go?  Did you do the things you wanted to do?  Did you move toward your goals? I know…2020 has been tough.  But for me, that’s why setting goals can be exhilarating.  It forces us to think forward…not backward.

But there is one thing that I don’t think we talk about enough when we talk about goal-setting.

If you want a well-rounded life, you should probably have well-rounded goals.  Most of us have goals that center around two areas; finance and fitness.  Though those are both important areas, they are not the only ones.   That’s why I talk about the 5 F’s of Goal Setting. Finance, Fitness, Family, Faith and Fun.  If you want a well-rounded set of goals (and a well-rounded year), this is a good list to start with.

Finance:  This time of goal might center around how much many you want to make, how much you want to save or the sales number you want to achieve.

Fitness:  Do you want to lose 10lbs?  Want to run a half marathon?  Maybe you just want to improve your diet.  These are all great and they fall here.

Family:  This is the place where I remind myself that I want to spend time with those that I love.  Do I want to have a date night with my bride?  Do I want to do something specific with my girls?

Faith:  Do you want to give more?  Do you want to get involved and volunteer?  How can you make an impact in this are?

Fun:  Yes…I think this area is important too.  And it’s great if a few of these might overlap.  For example, if you want to take a great family vacation, that might cover two of the five “f’s.”   

This is not a comprehensive list.  But it’s a great start to getting you thinking about creating a year that you will be excited to live.

Thanks so much for watching…the Monday Minute!

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