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Using a TikTok Challenge to Promote Your Brand

...and connect with your customers

8/23/2022 | Now Trending

If you've been considering the different options available to you to promote your business, TikTok challenges deserves a look.

What is a TikTok Challenge?

A typical TikTok challenge takes a music clip, one of thousands available on the TikTok platform, and asks participants to perform an act in time to the music, based on a proposed theme.

Colgate's MakeMomSmile challenge, for example, required TikTok users to film short clips in which they thought of ways to make their moms smile -- like bring them flowers. The challenge took off so well, it had major sports teams jumping on board.

Chase came up with the ShowMeYourWalk challenge that required TikTok users to show off a fun, swaggering walk or move to announce how proud they were to have graduated. The challenge clicked because it specifically took aim at Gen Z users, who happen to make up the main body of the audience on TikTok.

The EyesLipsFace challenge by e.l.f. Cosmetics had people demonstrating how they could change the way they looked with makeup.

Brands can either dream up their own concepts based on what they think appeals to their customer base, or get on board with a challenge that's already on its way up. The idea, either way, is to get people out there to try a few fun moves for a few seconds in a way that reflects well on your company. Some businesses create their own exclusive music to go with their concepts, and others use existing music.

Getting on an Existing TikTok Challenge

There are many TikTok challenges ongoing at any given time. All you need to do is to look out for interesting challenges, and create a video for one that you find interesting and relevant. You have two ways to find good challenges that are a fit for your brand.

The For You page: The moment you create a new TikTok account for your business, you get to go to your For You page to look for suggestions to do with different kinds of videos you may like. Once you follow the top influencers for your target market, this page gives you suggestions for challenges that should make sense for your business.

The Sounds section: The Sounds section of the TikTok app comes with a list of the best music clips currently trending. These are the most popular tracks to which challenges are created at the moment. When you tap an item on the list, you get to see the top videos in circulation that use the music it contains. You could try getting on board with a challenge you see in one of these popular videos.

Creating Your Own TikTok Challenge

To come up with your own successful TikTok challenge, you need to think of a concept that moves your audience. If you're promoting a line of cosmetics, for instance, you might choose a recent hit based on female empowerment, and think of a concept to go with it. The music, by itself, could garner a great deal of interest in your challenge. You could also look to soundtracks from movies your target audience grew up with, and use popular songs in them for nostalgic value. The right sound clip can greatly enhance the interest level your challenge inspires.

To help your TikTok challenge take off, you can promote it by working with TikTok, or by turning it into a competition, with prizes. If you're inexperienced at creating TikTok challenges, joining hands with a well-known TikTok influencer could help you come up with an idea for a dance move or other concept to promote. In general, you want your challenges to be easy for participants to copy, but you don't want them to be so easy that they lose interest.

Overall, TikTok offers businesses exciting ways to connect to a young customer base. Experimenting with different ideas, you should endear yourself to your audience as a fun and happening brand.

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