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Unwritten Rules

Ignore some rules and write your own!

5/17/2021 | The Monday Minute

Text Version:

Hey this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

I am a big sports fan.  And while baseball is not my favorite sport, I do love seeing the game in person.  The atmosphere.  The sounds, sights and smells…it’s so fun.  What I don’t love about baseball are all of the unwritten rules.  If you are a fan, you know what I mean.  You can’t flip your bat a certain way.  You can’t showboat after a homerun.  Don’t steal a base when you have a big lead.  These are all unwritten rules…and if you break them…the opposing pitcher will throw a ball at your head.  Seriously.

I don’t like unwritten rules.  And we have them in business in life too.  They drive me crazy.  What are they?  Here are a couple of them. 

If you want to read books, only certain ones count.  It can’t be audio or a short story or fiction.  Says who?  That is crazy.  If I can’t learn from audio, then why would I ever attend a class again?  If you are working to learn and grow…you are doing it right.  It’s deeply personal.  It’s up to you…the end.

When you create content, you can’t post it again later.  Why not?  If it’s still relevant…and you wrote it…of course you can! 

These kinds of unwritten rules drive me crazy because they hold us back.  They stop us from working and growing and sharing because someone…the evil “they”…has come up with some rule that says we can’t.  Don’t listen to them. 

Chase your goals your own way.  Unwritten rules don’t help.  They are your goals and your dreams…write your own rules.  You will be more productive and happier for it.

Thanks so much for watching the Monday Minute!

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