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With Change Comes Challenge

Are you ready to invest?

4/26/2021 | The Monday Minute

Hey this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

It’s the start of the new week…and the time when so many people have pledged to start something new.  You know that diet?  You were going to start on Monday.  This was the week that you were going to be more diligent on making cold calls…that starts Monday.  Or maybe you wanted to start reading more and learning.  That growth mode…you were going to start Monday!

Well gang…today is Monday. 

Most of us watching this are people that want to grow.  We are interested in leveling up in some area of our life.  That is aspirational…and it’s awesome.  But with any change comes challenge.  We will have to be willing to try new things and learn new things…and that will be uncomfortable at times.  Exciting sure…but uncomfortable.  As I have heard many times…if you want to be good at something new…you have to first be willing to be bad at it.

Then you have to invest.  You have to invest time, and effort, and sweat…and maybe money.  But remember, when you make that investment, you are not doing it for you today.  You are doing it for future you. 

So make this the Monday that you start that new journey.  Be willing to work at it.  Be willing to be uncomfortable.  Be willing to invest in future you.

Thanks so much for watching the Monday Minute!

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