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Renting Headspace To Others

Hijack your brain in a good way!

8/17/2020 | The Monday Minute

Hey this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

Let me tell you about something that happens to me from time to time.  I get on social media, hopefully to do something productive, and I see something that catches my eye.  It’s that quintessential negative post that gets my attention.  It might be a comment on something I have posted, or maybe it’s just a “friend” that has thrown out something that really frustrates me.

Maybe I engage.  Maybe I don’t.  But for the rest of the day, I find myself thinking about what a ridiculous statement they made, or how wrong they are.  In the shower, as I am driving, and at other random times of the day, it pops back up in my mind and I start to have the argument all over again even if they are long gone.  It’s takes up really valuable space in my head…like all day.

Just me?  I didn’t think so.

These situations are really common (even more right now)…but they are SUPER unproductive.  These people, and their annoying meme or political point of view, take over your head space for the rest of the day.  You are not doing anything intentional to move your goals forward…because you are renting that space in your brain…to them.

We have to stop it.  The people that are most frustrating, negative, and insulting are the ones that we give our time and attention to.  It just doesn’t make sense.  The next time you find that happening (and it will), try a few of these ideas to get back on track.  Do a quick gratitude exercise.  Redirect that brain to things you are grateful for.  Think of things you are excited to work on!  What really gets you going?  That might hijack your brain in a good way.  Or simply take some time to breathe.

Renting your brain out to others happens sometimes…but it’s not productive.  Let’s get control of the rent…so we can own our goals. 

Thanks for watching the Monday Minute!

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