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Give Thanks!

How often do you really spend time saying "thank you?"

8/10/2020 | The Monday Minute

Hey everyone this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

When it comes to good parents, as your child begins to talk, what are the first couple of phrases you teach them?  Say it with me, “Please and thank you.”  Great!  It’s no surprise to me that the people watching this are either good parents or were raised by them!  That’s right!  Please and thank you.

But here’s a secret most people won’t tell you.  As parents, we get tired of hearing “please.” 

Please can I stay up later?
Please can I go to my friends?
Please can I have one more? 
Please?  Please?  Please? 

It’s exhausting. 

But you know what you (or your mother) never tires of hearing?  You guessed it.  “Thank you.”  That simple sign of appreciation is much more rare.  And even if it's not, it's never annoying.  We appreciate the appreciation.  

Guess what?  Your customers are exactly the same.  They are hearing “please” from you, your competitors, their employees and the whole world all day long, 365 days a year.  It’s exhausting for them too.

Give Thanks!

What they don’t hear enough is “thank you.”

How often do you really spend time saying "thank you?"  Not just the basic "hey thanks" you say in passing or the automatic email that says "thanks for your purchase."  Those are fine...I guess.  But they don't take effort and are not really sincere.  How often do you stop by a customer's office just to thank them for their business?  How often do you pick up the phone to do the same?  How often do you schedule a meeting with a person in your organization just to take the time to applaud their efforts?  

Now is a great time to start.  As you begin this week, schedule some time to those that matter in your life to give them thanks.  They will appreciate it.  You never know…they might even thank you for it!

Thanks for watching!  We will see you next time on the Monday Minute.

Next up from The Monday Minute...

Just One More

When you're tired, frustrated, impatient, remember this...

Compassion is Not a Feeling

It’s not about thoughts. It’s not about dreams. It’s about action.
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