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Monday Minute

Too Much Thinking

11/2/2020 | The Monday Minute

Hey this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

Like you I am constantly looking for content to help lift me up, inspire me, and help me to be the best version of myself.  In doing so recently I ran across an interview with Jay Shetty.  Jay is the author of the new book “Think Like a Monk.”  In the interview, Jay covered a bunch of topics from the book including meditation, peace, and living your purpose.  All good right?

But one thing Jay said when talking about achievement struck me.  He said that most people that are frustrated or stuck in life all into one of two categories.  They are either “too much thinking and not enough action,” or “too much action and not enough thinking.”  It was an aha moment for me because I think that is totally true. 

Most people I run into that are stuck fall into the first category.  They contemplate, and strategize, and dream and think…but they never pull the trigger.  They are afraid to fail…so they never take the action necessary to succeed.

On the other hand, the 2nd group exists too.  As a matter of fact, that is probably where I fall when I am off track.  I can’t stand waiting so I will “ready, fire, aim” on a project…sometimes before I have really thought it out.  This can lead to frustration too.

So which one are you?  If you are in group one, I want to encourage you to take a first step this week…even if it’s small.  Taking that action can be liberating…and it can really get your ball rolling for success.  On the other hand, if you fall in group two…now is a great time for reflection.  Have you made a plan to achieve those goals?  That is important work too. 

On this Monday, it’s time to find the balance between thinking and action.  It might be the difference to help propel you to an entirely different life.

Thanks for watching the Monday Minute.

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