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Monday Minute: Hell yes or no

Having a calendar full of things we don't REALLY care about.

1/25/2021 | The Monday Minute

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Hey everyone this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

Nearly every time I get bogged down in life, I find it is because I am spending way too much time and energy on things I don't REALLY care about. I mean REALLY care about. The tricky thing is, they are things I do care about...a little. I "kinda" care about them. I "sorta" care about them. I care about them.

I just don't REALLY care about them.

Derek Sivers (founder of CD baby and author of Anything You Want) says that when choosing a project to throw your time at there are only two answers, "Hell yeah!" or "No." In other words, you either are totally insanely passionate about it, or you must say no. Otherwise you spend a ton of time and energy on projects that take you away from the things you do REALLY care about, and that becomes frustrating because nothing gets done the way you want.

The key is to say no on the front end to those projects that you are not REALLY passionate about. That is tough. We all over-extend. We don’t want to disappoint others.  We want to look good to our boss.  Whatever.  So all of a sudden you have a calendar full of things that you don’t REALLY care about…and that is not a life you want to lead.

When you recognize that you have a lot on our plate that you don't REALLY care about, it's time to clean out the
project closet.  What does your calendar tell you?

Thanks for watching the Monday Minute.

Next up from The Monday Minute...

Monday Minute: Overnight Success

How people think you become an "overnight success."

Monday Minute: Try New Things

It's time to spice things up and try new things.


This is a great time to be introspective
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