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It's a Green World

Business sustainability is becoming a consumer expectation.

2/13/2020 | Product Feature

Eco-friendly is no longer a luxury or an added attraction. Consumers, especially Millennials and the upcoming Gen Z expect businesses to be environmentally safe and sustainable as much as possible.

There are solid reasons why. For example, according to research from the World Bank, a typical metropolis will create 1,300 tons of garbage each year. 

The following recycling statistics compiled by Maryruth Belsey Priebe at EcoLife.com shows that there is still room for growth

  • The average individual recycles about 340 pounds of paper waste annually. 

  • Using one ton of recycled paper (for boxes, tissues, etc.) saves approximately 17 trees. 

  • When it comes to plastics, only 5.2% of it is recycled every year in the US.  

  • The typical plastic bag has been estimated to hang around for about 1,000 years.

  • Americans dispose approximately 200 million plastic bags annually. 

  • Recycled plastics are often used to make carpeting, artificial lumber, clothing and more.  

  • About 22% of all glass containers are recycled annually in the US.

The growth of recycling, upcycling, reducing waste and reusing is not a trend but a paradigm shift. A 2018 survey performed by Carton Council of North America showed that a significant majority of Americans (94%) were supportive of recycling. Nearly three-quarters (74%) believe recycling is important and should be a priority, this is compared to 61% who agreed only two years before (2016).

And according to Andrej Kovacevic in his article, “3 Ideas for Eco-Friendly Promotional Product Campaigns” on Blueandgreentomorrow.com, the advertising/marketing industry is also focusing on these objectives. “Marketers have developed a new trend known as Eco-Friendly Advertising, which should not be confused with green marketing,” he describes. “The latter refers to brands’ efforts to create environmentally friendly products and to encourage practices in favor of nature. Eco-Friendly Advertising focuses on creating sustainable promotion means of any item or service. This is an important trend, because 71% of consumers consider environmentalism as an important factor when shopping.” 

Eco-friendly, green, sustainability are all becoming increasingly attractive as a business strategy, according to Franchise Help. With the debate about global warming and dramatically reduced natural resources in the news constantly, “green industry practices not only enjoy favorable public sentiment and the psychic income of a lower carbon footprint, but increased cost savings, supportive government policies, and ever-increasing profitability as well. Trends in consumption, government policy, and costs all point towards even more green industry business opportunities in the years ahead,” according to the Franchise Help’s website.

No matter the business – from CPAs to daycare facilities, from beach clubs to pizza parlors – sending a message that the enterprise takes preserving our natural resource seriously will increase loyalty and potential patronage.  The thousands of eco-friendly promotional products and garments can be used as part of any form of campaign, and of course, as emblems of a dedicated recycling/green/earth day promotion or event.

Katherine White, David Hardisty, Fishad Habib authors of a research paper,“The Elusive Green Consumer, (Harvard Business Review, July August 2019, pp 124-133), write,  “Despite the growing momentum behind sustainable business practices, companies still strive to communicate their brands’ sustainability to consumers in ways that heighten brand relevance, increase market share, and fuel a shift toward a culture of sustainable living.”

And this is where you as the promotional products expert comes in. Simply asking your clients about their eco-sustaining practices and what their level of devotion to it will begin to give you ideas of products to present. White, Hardisty and Habib advise, “Using marketing fundamentals to connect consumers with a brand’s purpose, showing benefits over and above conventional options, and making sustainability irresistible are central challenges for businesses in the coming decades.”

It's not only financially sound for your business to promote products that are ecologically and sustainably friendly, but it is truly priceless in the goodwill it generates.

If you're ready to go green with your audience, drop us a line as we would be thrilled to help you!

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