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If You Lose You, Do You Lose Them?

Your grip on most customers is YOUR relationship

8/16/2023 | The Take Away

As we grow in technology, we need to identify why people buy from YOU and caution if any changes in selling with technology can damage the client relationship. With thousands of alternatives, your grip on most customers is YOUR relationship. 

Customer motivation for buying from a salesperson can vary, but here are a few basic reasons they will work with you over an online or on-the-air commodity company:

Product Knowledge: Buyers often appreciate salespeople who can provide in-depth information about the product or service, helping them make informed decisions.

Trust and Credibility: Establishing trust and credibility is crucial. Buyers are more likely to purchase from someone they perceive as trustworthy and reliable.

Problem-Solving: Salespeople who listen attentively to the buyer's needs and offer solutions that address those needs can create a strong incentive for purchase.

Creativity: Buyers value salespeople who are creative and tailor their ideas to the individual's preferences and requirements.

One-on-One Relationship: Building a rapport and establishing a positive relationship with the buyer can enhance the likelihood of a purchase. People often buy from those they like and feel connected to. Transferring a relationship to a virtual assistant or any other live or virtual entity can negate the one-on-one.

Added Value:  Demonstrating the value that the product or service brings to the buyer's life can make the purchase seem worthwhile.

Social Proof: Providing case histories that others have benefited from the product or service (such as testimonials or case studies) can influence a buyer's decision.

Emotional Appeal: Connecting with the buyer's emotions and demonstrating how the product or service can fulfill their desires or solve their problems can be a powerful motivator.

After Sales Support: Assuring buyers of ongoing support, warranty, or customer service after the purchase can instill confidence in their decision.

With so much technology available, are we in jeopardy of losing our input into the sales process? We can start with prospecting. Many employ surrogates to do telephone prospecting. If you are going to treat a new prospect to a third party for introduction, it may not be the best way to start a relationship. If you are going to use AI to write anything to your customer, it will not be warm and fuzzy. Try reading it and adding the warm and fuzzy so it appears to be from your pen and not AI. Getting your personal cell phone number infers that “I am special” to you and not just an unidentified caller ID number. Get a burner phone if you like privacy but break down the gate between your customer and your office number. 

Consider a special “personal email address”. Open one in Google and stay away from corporate addresses for special customers. Let them know this is your private email and they are important to you. 

If you have a real or virtual assistant, spend as much time as you can training and making them a part of your team. Introduce them in person or at least in a three-way call with any new client. We know how important they are, get them out of the closet and into the relationship. If there is more than one, bring them in as well. 

Despite my age, I am well into current technology, but neither you nor I can afford to make it a barrier to the personal touch that buyers want and that differentiates you from the mega sources. 

I still pick up the phone if it rings more than three times and I am in. I make it personal and so should you.

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