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Hear Your Own Voice

Kirby Hasseman talks about his goal of reading 50 books.

6/14/2021 | The Monday Minute

Text Version:

Hey this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.  

At one point, I set a goal for myself to read 50 non-fiction books in
one year. Though there are certainly people who read much
more than this, it kept me busy! That being said, it has been
very rewarding too. Not only was it been inspirational, but it
created some real breakthrough moments in business too.

We changed things and improved things in our business based on what I learned. 

There has been one negative side effect that I did not expect. I have not
left time to hear my own voice.
In the past, running and mowing the lawn, and walking
have been times when I have let my mind wander. It's given
me time to think through challenges, brainstorm ideas, and
consider things I have heard and read.

During this time, I used every spare moment to read (or listen) to new books.

I need to give myself some time to hear my own voice.

In considering this, I don't think I am alone. Often many of us
fill the empty time and space of our day with "stuff." It might
be books. Or (more often I think) it might be trivial, mind-numbing,
time filling crap that does not provide you any value. It just
kills time until the next activity. Sometimes that's cool.
Sometimes, however, we need to hear our own voice.

This week…Give yourself some quiet time think about ideas, or consider
opportunities, or brainstorm.  Those moments in your own head will be well spent.

Thanks so much for watching the Monday Minute.

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