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Change Ahead!

12 months ago...this might have seemed weird!

6/22/2020 | The Monday Minute

Let me set the stage, my wife and I are out in the middle of nowhere (and I am from Coshocton County…I know what the middle of nowhere is).  We were picking up meat that we had ordered…but as you might expect…everything looked funny.  There are multiple cars in the parking lot.  People are standing around, with masks on, just waiting.  The business has set up protocols so Amy cannot go inside.  She is standing in their flower bed, leaning in the office window, wearing a mask trying to give them her order. 

It was a sight to behold.  I didn’t know if we were picking up our order or robbing a train!

12 months ago…this might have seemed weird. 

Here’s the thing friends, change in the world is a constant.  And right now, we are living in times that are changing faster, and often scarier than ever before.  But it’s change…it’s coming…and complaining is not going to stop it.  So please…stop whining about change.  It seems to me there are 3 types of people during these changing times.

People Who Complain about change:  This seems to be about 90% of my Facebook feed.

People who are accepting of change:  This groups is in the corner with their blanket…

And people who are Embracing or Creating change. 

Once you accept that change is here, coming and constant, you might as well be in this last group.  It’s time to take a long hard look at your business and decide what you really want it to look like.  Just like me, with my new friends hanging out in a country parking lot, waiting on meat, your customers are likely more open to change than ever before.  So consider what you want your business to look like…and get to creating it.

Next up from The Monday Minute...

Turn on the Light

Join Kirby every Monday for The Monday Minute. This week he talks about fumbling around in the dark...and other ways we tend to waste our time.
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